
Average score 360 Reviews
Tiziana Gambicorti noted on Google

4 days ago
qiang LI noted on Google

6 days ago
Julien ÉLIE noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent Chinese restaurant. The dishes are generous and delicious. Good quality products, which is a change from the usual little Chinese ones. The cooks make the pasta in front of us! (Original) Excellent restaurant chinois. Les plats sont généreux et délicieux. De bons produits de qualité, ce qui change des petits chinois courants. Les cuisiniers élaborent les pâtes devant nous !

9 days ago
Milk forever noted on Google

9 days ago
Audrey Fontaine noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect (Original) Parfait

10 days ago
Barbara Rambert noted on Google

17 days ago
Mariano Garcia noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I was surprised by the freshness of the crunchy vegetables, the flavor of the chicken, which tasted like chicken, and the pasta is made fresh on the spot. The main dishes are abundant and the price is affordable. (Original) Me ha sorprendido la frescura de las verduras crujientes, el sabor del pollo, que sabía a pollo, y la pasta la hacen ellos fresca al momento. Los platos principales son abundantes y el precio económico.

17 days ago
Natascha Law noted on Google

19 days ago
K Koh noted on Google

19 days ago
Giuseppe Cerciello noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Family-run restaurant, excellent quality and they prepare handmade pasta in sight. (Original) Ristorante a conduzione familiare, ottima qualità e preparano, a vista, la pasta fatta a mano.

20 days ago

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75007 Paris, France

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